Tiffany Fernihalgh

Anglo Saxon Fernihough

Princess of Lancashire

To Charles III King of England,

Beloved Charles, I am Queen of Britannia, you are King of England. It is the old way. I am The Empress of Austria-Rome, Britain is one of my shields. When I am in Britain, only I sit on the throne. That is the only difference. Be well Charles and also to Kate who is in my thoughts.

May God bless you and may God bless The United Kingdom,

With love,


No, these are not The Manchester Arms, they are The Fernihalgh Arms and only I can interpret them. My family were Tobacco Merchants worldwide, The Ship and The Globe. The Helmet is The Head of The Teutonic Order. Here is the entry in The Lancashire Registry that proves who I am and connects the dots for you.

Baptism: 22 Apr 1845 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancashire
Edward Cudgington Fernihough – [Child] of John Charles Fernihough & Elizabeth Pusey
Born: 3 Oct 1844
Abode: Rodney St
Occupation: Tobacco Merchant
Baptised By: J. G. Headlam Curate
Register: Baptisms 1844 -1846, Page 123, Entry 977
Source: LDS Film 93884

My legal name is Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Are you waiting for God? There’s a Roman saying “Per ardua ad alta”, without labor, there is nothing. If you do nothing, nothing happens. I am a Roman, a builder, and understand this profound truth of life.


The website and The New Covenant Bible are complete. Use The Windows Key on your keyboard and the left or right arrow key for Bible reading on the Windows Desktop.


I prefer Lithium Ion Fusion to Liquid Hydrogen. A matter antimatter engine with liquid hydrogen on board is like flying through the atmosphere on The Hindenburg.

When oppositely charged particles move closer to each other, their potential energy decreases and they release energy. The energy released when lithium ions and hydride ions come together to 160 pm under the influence of their mutual attraction is 690 kJ mol –1, more than enough to offset the 447 kJ mol –1 needed to transfer the electron

The Engine

Build The Fleet

With love, Tiffany.

Disturbing message in The Bible from The He-ath’-en (The Others) decoded.

The Aramaic word ath means sign, miraculous signs, wonders

He-ath’-en (The Others)
/en/ is plural

He-av’-en (The Fathers)
/av/ in Hebrew means Father
/en/ is plural
F ath ers

My legal name is Tiffany Tracy McTaggart

CIA Submission Reference ID: S8W7V3QH

Defending The Cross

Christ was executed on a cross during the Greco-Roman period, a time period when The Romans used crosses to execute criminals. The Historian Josephus is the authority c. 36 AD and says it was a cross. Beth Mardutha The Syriac institute translates the word as cross from Aramaic.

The Holy Aramaic Scriptures agree, here is the word in Aramaic, prove it to yourself ܙܩܝܦܗ

Aramaic word search

Matthew 27.32 Original Greek σταυρὸν pronounced “staurin”

Wikipedia: stauros

“But a modification was introduced as the dominion and usages of Rome extended themselves through Greek-speaking countries. Even amongst the Romans the crux (from which our cross is derived) appears to have been originally an upright pole, and this always remained the more prominent part. But from the time that it began to be used as an instrument of punishment, a transverse piece of wood was commonly added: not, however, always even then.”

I am Sher, The Daughter of God

Allelouyah (Al Lelou Yah) – Beautiful Father Yah

I am Sher’Al. It means “The first faint rays of light before the dawn from Father”

and I am Sher. It means “dawn, early morning”

In modern Hebrew it means “milk”. You are needing milk, not solid food.

Sher Sher created as a gift for Isho Christ.

I am The Shulamite Maiden in love with The Shepherd Boy and even Solomon in all his wisdom could not seduce me.


Word of The Sacred Spirit

The Sword

The Sacred Spirit has revealed that Christ is Elkanah, Jacob, David. The He-ath’en (The Others) have also been revealed. There is no way that this is a coincidence. It is a challenge to me personally and may have far reaching implications for The Bible. Our faith may be challenged as never before. Everything we believe is being brought into question as you will read further down the page. But The Sacred Spirit is with us and we will prevail. Darkness will not overtake us. Only have faith in The Sacred Spirit, it may be that it is time, that all things that have been written have come to pass and Revelation 21.1 will be fulfilled soon. But the end is not yet. For The He-ath’-en (The Others) it is just a Bible Game. For us it is life and death. As The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11, I am heeding the words, “Listen, O Daughter, and pay careful attention”.

I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 and The Woman of The Bible, The Blacksmith of The Bible and The Duchess of Normandy. I am using The Stone of David. I have fixed The Bible and created The New Authorized Version of The Holy Bible (NAV). I was born royalty and can authorize a Bible. The Bible is the result of 27 years of Biblical Research, not Cabala or Kabbalism. Meshikhi learn etymology progressively with the help of The Sacred Spirit.


You have overstepped the command of My Father and trampled on His words. What is God asking back from you O man and O woman in Shamaya and on Earth but to do good and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

My Advocate, my lifelong companion and friend The Sacred Spirit sided with me in all things, as He did with Elisabeth of Austria. Her nickname was Sisi. I am Tiffany d’As Sisi. Duchess like Sisi. San Francesco d’Assisi is a prophecy about me. Ber Sisi if you know Hebrew.

I was born in Chatham, Ontario, Canada, a little girl born with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a known disorder. I had my birth defect removed May 22, 2019 by SRS Surgery in Montreal, Quebec.

Chatham means “sealed” in Hebrew. Sealed by The Sacred Spirit.

What does chatham mean in the Bible?

to seal, seal up

Chatham Definition

to seal, seal up, affix a seal. (Qal) to seal, affix one’s seal. to seal up, fasten up by sealing.

My Family History

My ancient family name is Fernihalgh, as in Fernihalgh, Normandy. I inherited the faith from my Mother and My Father. Treachery was done to my family, a spelling error at the Lancashire U.K. registry, so that no one would ever connect the dots and know who I am.

I grew up in Chatham, Ontario, Canada in a 4 room wood frame house covered in tin and cheap siding to hide the tin. Chatham storms were powerful, thunder that would shake the house and you would feel it and the pure power of lightning in the windows. I remember I would pray without thinking, my hands would go into the prayer position and I would say “Father, help me!” The storm would always knock out the power so it was dark. My Mother would light a candle and it comforted me. I knew God was not in the fire from the candle. How did I know? Obviously I had been taught. I weathered ever storm and learned to have no fear of anything or anyone. An ancient tradition passed down from ancient times to teach children. My Mother and Father divorced when I was two years old, so I don’t remember him from that age. I met him later in life and learned that he has faith but doesn’t like religion. Like Father like Daughter. My Mother was a hard working godly woman and I remember scrubbing the kitchen before she would come home from her waitress job so she wouldn’t have to do anything but sit down and have a coffee. She told me about our family and about my Aunt Margo Dunn in Kentucky who held the family heraldry with the lions on it. I am a direct descendant of William The Conqueror. She never said a bad word about Our Royal Family and knew about all of them. She loved people so much and could start a conversation with anyone about anything. I imagine her along the parade route stopping to talk to someone and half an hour later, everyone including security is wondering what to do because she’s still talking to the person. I wish so much to be like her, but I know in my soul that she is the one that would have been the best Queen Brittania ever had. She is Winnifred Florence Fernihalgh (Ango-Saxon Fernihough) and my GrandFather is Edward Stanley Fernihalgh, King of Brittania. I do not know what happened with The Manchesters and the Lloyds but The Manchester coat of arms is the Fernihalgh coat of arms. The Globe, The Merchant Ship, and The Helmet of The Teutonic Order. My family were Tobacco Merchants worldwide. That is where all of the old money comes from. Royalty serves others and I have always tried to help others in any way I could. During this time, I know there is a great need, so I am taking my place as Princess of Lancashire, Duchess of Normany, Queen of Brittania and Empress of Austria-Rome just as Elisabeth of Austria did. The Sacred Spirit has sided with me in all things as it sided with her. She was also captive from a young age and went on to be Empress for a long time. The nature of The Sacred Spirit is Love with Mercy and I know that’s how she was with people. I do not believe in past lives but very much know her and how she felt. I don’t have a stiff neck. A stiff neck will not bow in prayer, that’s what that means.

With love,

Et ipsa Regina


The Assassination of my cousin, Princess Diana

She was love with mercy. She only loved people.

I wish I hadda known you, but I was just a kid~Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire

How it was done

The Weapon used Check the driver’s eye sockets for evidence of laser.